I'm passing on information today- about a SALE!
First of all, The Container Store, did not pay me or ask me in
any way to pass on this information, I got their sale catalogue in the mail
And I do love the Container Store, because I love being organized and they help me to be organized.
And they are having their 'Happy Organized Home Sale' right now.
It's also a great time to shop for Dorm Rooms!
And now through August 1st, there will be FREE demonstrations on organizing your home on Saturdays and Sundays at 2pm and 4 pm at Container Stores. They will be giving away a $25 Store More Card at each demonstration! Click on this Container Store Locator Link to check about specifics on your local store!
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Your posts give inspiration to organize space around and a useful tips how to save money. I’d like to share information about my experience in repurposing. A few months ago I've found advices about ways to use metal galvanized buckets and tubs - https://www.goodshomedesign.com/20-creative-ways-to-repurpose-galvanized-buckets-and-tubs/. According to instructions we transform all our old buckets and tubs in nice tower garden and 4 washtub chairs. And then we have bought a few new galvanized buckets . They were not expensive, so we saved a lot. I’m sure that your ideas will be very helpful too.
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